
Easy replacement of individual components due to the circular design of the furniture


One of the most important pillars within the circular economy is a high-quality level of reuse of products and raw materials.

First you try to reuse the products one-to-one. This can be achieved by reusing them within the organisation, or by using them elsewhere (reuse and redestribute). In both cases maintenance is often necessary. If it is not possible to reuse the products one-to-one, we will see if the parts can be reused (refurbish and remanufacture) or recycled.

Below we will tell you more about the maintenance of existing furniture.


Preventive maintenance

Failures are disturbing and lead to unused functionality. Maximizing the lifespan requires therefore periodic monitoring.

Our experience shows that in an annual check we detect at least 85% of deviations before they actually result in a malfunction.

An office chair wheel that no longer rolls properly will cause further damage to the product The chair must be moved with force and this leads to weakening in other places such as the armrest or back. This defective wheel also leads to consequential damage to the floor covering. In the event of early detection, we replace the wheel before a malfunction occurs.

The lifespan of a piece of furniture is determined by the ‘weakest link’. Through years of experience, we know these ‘weakest links’ and make sure we solve them directly.

Repairing furniture in our own factory

Last year we had at least 20 different competitor brand products in our factory for maintenance or repair.

We notice that we can easily – and often within a day – give a damaged Van Der Sluis 55 or a Dietiker Soma chair a new paint colour or new upholstery.

Other furniture has a less circular design which makes it impossible to reuse one-to-one. When this is the case, we look for another circular (new) solution and we will, for example, recycle furniture.
