Just how eco-friendly is your interior?

The attention for sustainability is growing. In addition to the demand for a sustainable building, the demand for a sustainable interior is also growing. Because of the impact it has on the health of employees and, equally important, the impact of the interior on the environment. Interior architects and designers are crucial, after all, they are the ones that have to make sustainable building tangible for users and inhabitants. But how will you know just how eco-friendly an interior is? There are very little rules and regulations when it comes to the interior. That is why Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), NIBE and Ex Interiors introduce a new initiative: INSIDE/INSIDE.

Online platform

INSIDE/INSIDE is the number one central platform with detailed information on the sustainability and circularity of interior. Users can select materials and sustainable interior projects, search for detailed information and compare data on the environmental and health impact. Providing an insight into the environmental and health impact of an interior.

Lunch reading

On Thursday, 15 March 2018, INSIDE/INSIDE will be presented during a lunch reading at the MaterialXperience. Initiators Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), NIBE and Ex Interiors will join the founding partners in a talk about this new platform. Vepa – as part of the Green Furniture Circle – has joined INSIDE/INSIDE as a founding partner.

  • Date: 15 March 2018
  • Time: 13.00 – 14.00 hours
  • Location: Ahoy Rotterdam
  • Room: MX Theatre

Basic principles INSIDE/INSIDE

  • First platform with complete information on the composition of sustainable interiors in the Netherlands
  • Simple comparison of materials and products
  • Objective measuring tool for sustainability in contracting, tenders and, for example, BREEAM-NL certification
  • Enables benchmarking