Plastic Recycling Award 2024 for Blue Finn

A wonderful award for Vepa and Bywyd’s Blue Finn chair series!

The ‘Blue Finn chair series’, created by Vepa together with ByWyd, was chosen by an expert jury at the Plastic Recycling Show Europe 2024 as the winner of the Plastic Recycling Award Europe 2024 in the “Household & Leisure Product” category. The industrial conversion of a hospital waste stream into a high-quality new raw material for the Blue Finn chair series was the deciding factor!

Ecological and educational value of the Blue Finn
The Blue Finn chair series is made from the packaging material used to wrap instruments in hospital sterilisation rooms.
Jan Willem Slijkoord of Bywyd: “Typically, this material is collected by waste collecting companies after use and subsequently incinerated. By reusing this material, we not only reduce carbon emissions but also decrease the depletion of scarce resources.”

Worthwhile for healthcare institutions!
Robert de Bruyn of Bywyd: “The amount of waste generated annually by the healthcare sector is quite substantial. Healthcare institutions are growing increasingly aware of their social responsibility to focus on sustainable operations and procurement.”

The Blue Finn chair made by Vepa is one of the first items introduced to the market to be made from hospital waste streams. With the Blue Finn chairs, healthcare institutions have a tool to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and to the preservation of scarce raw materials. Furthermore, a tangible product allows them to demonstrate their sustainable intentions to the public.

The award is presented to Jan Willem Slijkoord and Robert de Bruyn of Bywyd
