Social Return

Working on a ‘human scale’ means that we make a very specific commitment to healthy and happy people in a healthy society.

Together with education

We feel a sense of social responsibility, not only for our employees, but also for others outside our company.

Educational institutions such as RSG Wolfsbos, the Roelof van Echten, PRO Emmen, Stad en Esch comprehensive school, the Hanzehogeschool, the Drenthe college and the Deltion hold a special place within our organisation.

These institutions focus on the most vulnerable groups within our society. In addition to several Training on the Job (BBL) and School-based pathway (BOL) students, we are proud to have a regular position for a dozen or so students from the vocational colleges Meander and PRO Emmen. In the past we had a similar collaboration with the Alfa-college.

Working on a ‘human scale’ means that we make a very specific commitment to
healthy and happy people in a healthy society.

Dutch lessons on the work floor

Our company employs two colleagues from Syria. Although they ran their own successful clothing and furniture upholstery business there, they are not eligible for a furniture upholsterer training here.

The language deficiency is too great to obtain the diploma within the time allowed.

Therefore Maram education guides the men on the work floor so that they can still obtain their diploma. This is done by offering one-on-one lessons every (working) day that deviate from the traditional, classroom way of teaching.

Work projects

We have an interest in people who do not have everything going for them in life. As long as they want to work for the world of tomorrow, just like us, they are welcome for work and development projects. For example, in our GreenField. They can also use residual materials from our factory for their own projects. For example our partnerships with Toolbox and WerkPro in Emmen.

Together with detainees

In-Made is the production company of the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency. They have partnered with us to offer employment and education to detainees so they can learn a trade and can reintegrate successfully into society. We have invited In-Made to commit their expertise and capabilities in the realisation of the government contract ‘PI Zaanstad’.

Our coffee is not made by saints, but we do serve pure coffee. Together with the Ministry of Justice and Security, Zuivere Koffie (Dutch for Pure Coffee) has opened a coffee roasting plant in prison.

Here, detainees are given a fair chance at a successful return to society. If that is not life-changing coffee!


We do things because we want to, not because we must. We create work in a responsible way by not outsourcing production to low-wage countries, but by working together with, for example, social partners in the region.

Sheltered Employment companies such as Larcom, Metalis, Emco and Reestmond have been structural partners of Vepa for decades.

We also try to give people who receive unemployment or disability benefits and want to reintegrate, a place within our company. There are several re-entry people working within Vepa today.

Social organisations 

Social organisations that support people in reaching their personal goals or just provide a little happiness or support along the way can count on our support.

We usually do this in-kind by donating furniture. Whether this is for the Vanboeijen day care group or the intake room of the Ronald McDonald house, we do this without conditions or compensation.

“For years, we have been working together to make our environment more sustainable in general.
Whether it is social entrepreneurship or making our business processes completely circular.”


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