Photography: Alexander Berge



As Europe’s leading importer and distributor of organic fruit and vegetables, Eosta urgently needed more space after years of continuous growth. A few years ago, preparations began for the design and construction of a new building. The finished building exudes warmth and humanity can be seen as a physical expression of the core values of the company: authentic, together, socially responsible. (Source:

The entire building, including the interior, has been developed based on a circular business model. Every piece of furniture has a material passport. This way, it’s known exactly which raw materials have been used, how long they will last, what their residual value is and how often they can be re-used in new products.

In 2018, Eosta won three sustainability awards, including the Koning Willem 1 plaque for sustainable entrepreneurship. Because of these sustainable efforts, Queen Máxima paid a working visit to Eosta in november 2018.

