The independent tool for a sustainable interior.

Sustainable interior

The attention for sustainability is growing. In addition to sustainable building, the demand for a sustainable interior is growing. Not just because of the impact it has on the health of employees but also because of the impact the interior has on the environment.

Interior architects and designers are crucial. After all, they are the ones that have to make sustainable building tangible for user and inhabitant. But how eco-friendly is an interior really? There are still few rules and regulations in this area. The Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), NIBE and Ex Interiors felt that this should be different, which is why they started INSIDE/INSIDE, the independent tool for a sustainable interior.

The video (Dutch only) will tell more

Objective platform

Vepa is the most sustainable manufacturer of project and office furniture. We know this, but we would also like to prove it objectively. That is why it was a logical choice for us to become founding partner of INSIDE/INSIDE. INSIDE/INSIDE is a cross-industry platform that aims to provide insight into how sustainable and circular furniture and materials are.


All products and materials on the platform are certified via an objective life cycle analysis (LCA) and a circularity index. The LCA clarifies the ecological footprint – or environmental impact – of a product or material. The circularity index provides insight in the percentage of reused raw materials and the recyclable materials of a product.

The greater the percentage of recycled raw materials and reusable materials, the less waste is produced and the higher the circularity index. So in this case, higher is better for the environment. Want to know more about an LCA? Then please read more here.


To determine the circularity index, we wanted to connect with one of the most important international developments in the field of circularity, namely the work of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF).

EMF developed the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) to assess the circularity of material in a product. The index broadly indicates the ratio between natural (e.g. oil, gas, ore and coal) and secondary (reused, e.g. waste paper, plastic bottles and scrap) raw materials, and it shows the design principles used to extend the functional life of a product.

Sustainable products

To develop and maintain the platform, sustainable leaders such as Baars & Bloemhoff, DSM, Drentea, Gispen, Interface and Maiburg – just like Vepa – have joined as founding partners. Meanwhile, many products and materials with their sustainable and circular scores are already visible at INSIDE/INSIDE. And that number continues to grow. We are certainly busy with it on a daily basis.

More information can be found at


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