Plastic Whale

Plastic fishing on the Amsterdam canals.

Plastic heroes

Just like Vepa, Plastic Whale is committed to a better environment. Plastic Whale is the first professional plastic fishing company in the world.

A social enterprise on a mission to make the world’s waters plastic-free. They do this by creating social awareness for the plastic problem, but above all by taking action with as many people as possible and go and fish plastic from the Amsterdam canals.

Ultimately Plastic Whale hopes to go out of business because the mission has been achieved. Overfishing in this case is positive.

The video tells more about Plastic Whale. 

Boats made from plastic waste

To date, the organisation has fished more than 150,000 PET bottles out of the water. These PET bottles are then recycled and reused as raw material for new products.

Unfortunately, some people still have the idea that plastic becomes worthless after it has been used once. Obviously, this is not the case. Of the recovered PET bottles, 13 new design sloops have now been made.

But that is not all. The boats are used every day on the canals of Amsterdam and in the port of Rotterdam to fish for more plastic as a raw material for our joint furniture line: Plastic Whale by Vepa.

Plastic Whale by Vepa 

Plastic Whale by Vepa is circular office furniture made from Amsterdam canal plastic.

The most important raw material for the collection – the recycled PET bottles – is fished from the canals by Plastic Whale.

Proud sponsor

In early 2018 the Vepa boat was launched and since then many enthusiasts have helped fishing for plastic in the Amsterdam Canals.

Would you also like to roll up your sleeves sometimes and help out with plastic fishing? Then please contact your account manager.
