Hemp ready for serial production

From experimental production method into a serial production line.

– Press release –

Hemp from Vepa the furniture factory is the world’s first collection of chairs that is made entirely of organic and plant-based material. A material that absorbs rather than emits CO2 and is fully recyclable in the same form. Together with Plantics, Vepa has been successful in further developing the experimental production method into a serial production line. This allows them to meet demand more effectively and at the same time reduce costs.


The fibres from the hemp serve as raw material for shell of the chair. The advantage of hemp is that it grows without artificial fertilisers or pesticides, requires hardly any water and is grown in the Netherlands. In addition, hemp is strong and it absorbs CO2. ‘For years, we have been looking for a biomaterial in which both the raw material and the binding agent are organic, plant-based and recyclable. Only then would we be able to say that we had created a truly sustainable product. Today, we can proudly report that we absorb 3.13 kg* of CO22 from the atmosphere per Hemp shell. Unfortunately, CO2 us still emitted when new products are made. That’s no longer the case with this shell,’ says Janwillem de Kam, managing director of Vepa.

* return system and biogenic storage included

Super strong and fireproof
In 2021, Vepa and Plantics won the international innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” with Hemp. An award offered by the German nova-Institut GmbH to the most innovative and sustainable material in the world. ‘Working with unique, new materials means that you will encounter surprises sometimes. We like these challenges, so in recent months we have further improved the production process. This has increased the production speed and – more importantly – made the shell much stronger’, De Kam continues. The chair has become so strong that Hemp has easily obtained NEN-EN 16139 certification. In addition, Hemp passed the tough Crib 5 (BS 5852) fire test without any difficulty. Indeed, the natural properties of the material prevent the shell from catching fire. ‘This proves that the chair is also suitable for conference venues, the hospitality industry and education’, says De Kam.

Infinite, and profitable too!
Hemp is unique. Not only is the shell 100% organic, it is also 100% reusable for the same purpose. De Kam: ´Although the shells are completely biodegradable in nature, we prefer not to break them down. That is a waste and unnecessary. Are you ready for a new interior or does the chair no longer suit your current needs? Just return the chair and we will refund you €15. The shell is shredded and then pressed again. With the same quality. We are the only company in the world where this is possible without the addition of new raw materials’.
